Our Kindergarten Program is designed to reinforce the Donegal School District curriculum, as well as provide a safe and engaging environment during either the morning or afternoon when the children are at Faith Factory. We provide additional opportunities for social play, art, music, science, and large motor play. Some of the curriculum areas that we cover are: Language Arts, including letter recognition, letter sounds, phonemic awareness, sight words, word families, writing, and journaling; Math, including number recognition, counting, basic concepts of geometry, measurement, time, addition, patterning and classification; Science, including lessons on seasons, weather, body parts, senses, plant and animal life, early chemistry through cooking and simple experiments, simple physics through block play and experiments; Social Studies, including relationship building, family studies, communities, and maps.

Developing rapport with friends and learning how to express oneself are important social skills for our school age children. We strive to have a safe and nurturing environment where our kindergarten children can further their development in specific interest areas as well as grow in their peer interactions as they continue to develop their communication and socialization skills. During the early morning and late afternoons, our 1st-6th grade children are integrated with our kindergarten children and it is very special to see our kindergarten children interacting and learning from our older students.

Sample Daily Schedule

Morning Class

  • Arrival & Free play
  • 7:30-8:00 Breakfast
  • 8:00 Morning Meeting with prayer time, Bible devotions, and worship
  • 8:30 Kindergarten Time
  • 11:40 Lunch
  • 12:20 Dismiss to catch bus to go to Donegal

Afternoon Class

  • 12:00 Arrival from Donegal
  • 12:10 Lunch
  • 1:30 Kindergarten Time
  • 3:30 Snack

4:00 Free play