Our Early Childhood Program is faith-based and focuses on early social and independent development. In our program, children have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of activities and play. Each class encourages guided and spontaneous free play, whole group and small group activities, outdoor play weather permitting, Bible lessons, crafts, and activity centers. In addition to the independent and social time, classes will participate in circle time where stories are read, lessons are taught, and songs are sung. We are proud that our classes are integrated to include children with special needs, and we are also proud to partner with Excentia Human Services to provide fully integrated Level 1 classes. Faith Factory offers both Part Day and Full Day early childhood Preschool classes.

Socialization and play are important at Faith Factory. Guiding children to interact appropriately with peers, take directions from other adults, and function in a group setting sets the strong foundation where learning is able to take place. The academic concepts that will be focused on in the early childhood classes are literacy, name recognition, letter and number recognition, counting, colors, shapes, patterning, sequencing, print concepts, fine motor and gross motor activities, and much more. Teachers construct lesson plans that are centered around Pennsylvania’s Early Learning Standards.

Excentia Human Services – We are very blessed to partner with Excentia Human Services and have two 3’s classes in which the Preschool children from Excentia and Faith Factory are integrated for their Preschool education in what are called Level 1 Classes, previously called reverse mainstream. In this program, children begin to develop a sense of caring and leadership, as well as an appreciation of likenesses and differences. There is a true sense of belonging and great friendships have been fostered over the years.

Sample Daily Schedule

Full Day Classes (6:00-5:30)

  • Arrival & Free Play
  • 8:30 Breakfast
  • 9:00 Preschool
  • 11:30 Lunch
  • 12:30 Nap
  • 2:30 Snack
  • 3:00-5:30 Free Play